We’ve been the innkeepers at the Bottger Mansion of Old Town for over 14 years! This is our full-time occupation, and our goal is to keep improving this grand old house one day at a time, take care of our guests, and serve amazing food in a great location. We want visitors to learn to love Albuquerque the way we do.
Many of our guests comment that staying in our Albuquerque bed and breakfast ”feels like home.” Relax in the lovely front garden or immerse yourself in the history of the house and Old Town. Whatever gives you enjoyment and refreshment at your own home is what we want to provide for you.
Steve is a New Mexico native but has lived all over the country, and Kathy grew up on the east coast. We met in California while in the service, and completed our military tours of duty in northern Japan. After the service, we both attended the University of New Mexico. Our careers have taken us to New Hampshire and Oregon, and our travels have taken us to other countries as well. We are thrilled to be back in New Mexico, and we would love to help you discover the delights of Albuquerque.
Steve and Kathy Hiatt
Cats in residence: Two cats–Graycat and Socks–live with us in our private quarters. On occasion, they are in the main area of the house–not in the guest rooms. Socks the B&B Cat has her own Facebook page.
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